Thank you for Caring, Hampton Roads Team

Nine of our Brkthru members from Hampton Roads, VA, teamed up with the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore in their effort to eliminate hunger in their community. The Community Feed is a market, a food hub, a community investment—offering meals to individuals suffering with food insecurity.

In honor of Brkthru’s  “31 Days of Service” during our anniversary month, Jenn, Allison, Kelly, Rachel, Cherylyn, Hanna, Schratz, Liz, and Jordan joined The Gathering at Scott Memorial UMC Food Pantry for Fresh Food Wednesday.

The drive-thru food pantry serves fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as meat, dairy, eggs, and other food items to the local community. This is an evening pantry to cater to those who work during the day but are still experiencing food insecurity. Along with other local volunteers, the Virginia Beach team loaded boxes & grocery bags (including bunches & bunches of bananas and delicious cakes for those celebrating birthdays!) filled with food into 380 cars.

“31 Days of Service” commemorates Brkthru’s anniversary month by supporting employees to take day in May to volunteer for a charity of their choice. It’s a meaningful expression of our commitment to service – for our clients, in our communities, and to each other. Thank you Virginia Team, and all the Brkthru employee volunteers who generously give back to their communities.