How Brands Can Honor Martin Luther King’s Legacy

As an admirer of Martin Luther King Jr., I find it more difficult each year to honor his legacy on his recognized federal holiday.

I’m no longer in a school setting where we had projects surrounding his works and speeches; or anticipated watching “Our Friend, Martin”. I’m now an adult who has no children to teach his legacy to. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

So, how can consumers and brands continue to remember and honor him when there is no longer someone there to teach and remind us?

As brand journalist Lindsay Keener wrote on LinkedIn, “How Brands Can Honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy on MLK Day,” his legacy is a far-reaching impact brands should be after. She then asks the thoughtful question, “how does this relate to brands?

Her answer to this is simple: focus on more than the success of products and services but highlight the overall impact on the communities the brands serve.

As you will read in the article as a brand, you can do this by:

– Listening to community members

– Honoring their requests

– Creating a lasting impact

As a consumer, we can do similar work by:

– Listening to what the community needs

– Creating consistent and lasting service

I hope this MLK Day, and on, brands and consumers can continue to find ways to honor and remember all he worked for.

Abriana Green is an account manager and member of the Brkthru D&I Team.