Brkthru U Marks a Learning and Development Milestone

One of our major initiatives for 2023 – employee training – reached its first zenith in December 2023 in which 100% of our 150 employees graduated from Brkthru U.

Brkthru U is an immersive, weeklong training program where employees learn about the Brkthru brand, our clients and verticals, departments and processes, and core values, as well as hear about the vision that co-founders, Andrew Sklerov and Jeff Hastedt, had for Brkthru six years ago.

“Andrew and Jeff envisioned an in-person onboarding experience where all new hires would start with the same foundation and quickly learn the Brkthru Way,” said Senior Vice President of Organizational Management Jennifer Bird. “They realized we all bring habits and experiences with us to a new job, and wanted to make sure we teach our people how to deliver platinum service to all of our clients, and truly understand how to live and breathe our core values.”

Four new employees attended Brkthru U in December during their first week on the job, including Client Success Director Paul Bustamante. “Brkthru U has given me perspective on roles for all my teammates and how we want to treat our clients. Brkthru U has also let me meet my coworkers, who have all been incredibly welcoming and made me feel safe!”

Brkthru U is not just sitting in a classroom for the entire week. The curriculum, developed by Director of Learning & Development Courtney Jones, includes hands-on working exercises, videos, teamwork and active energizers. Jones explains, “Brkthru U is a learning experience designed to break the mold of traditional training and onboarding. The curriculum creates space for social learning with colleagues, where they can practice new concepts and applications on-the-job. By presenting our new hires with problems to solve, tasks to practice and diverse perspectives, employees learn rather than memorize.”

Brkthru veteran and Senior Director of Client Success Shannon Walion-Dominguez said, “It’s amazing to look back at how training has evolved over the last six-and-a half years. One thing that hasn’t changed is Brkthru’s commitment to service and continuing to be preferred digital media vendor for small to mid-size advertising agencies and brands.” She adds, “Brkthru U ensures that new employees know the Brkthru way from day one!”

As a company that competitive advantage is service, aligning all employees to the Ethos of Yes ensures Brkthru continues to receive a greater-than-90% overall satisfaction score from our clients. 

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