The State of Search

Crypto, NFTs, Blockchain, Social Distancing, Artificial Intelligence – all prominent parts of our vernacular during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some with staying power, and some without. Artificial Intelligence (AI), however, is here to stay because it is not a “new” technology by any means and has been around for decades. Even digital marketers have been utilizing AI and Machine Learning as far back as 2014 when programmatic ad buying was popularized and introduced us to artificial intelligence-based ad buying. The “new” part of AI is the mainstream use with tools like ChatGPT and Bard. These tools are the result of tech giants such as Google and Microsoft going head-to-head in developing the best AI search experience. 


We’ve heard a ton about PMax, and before we get into Bard (Google’s AI chat service), let’s recap other AI enhancements Google has focused on recently. 

Search Generative Experience (SGE): Google’s new Search results format that has the potential to display an AI-generated answer above the search results listings and quickly deliver information to searchers.

Advertisers will not be able to opt out of this, but it’s also not universally available yet. Google will not report where the impressions or clicks are coming from (Standard Results Page or the New Generative AI format). As Google monitors the performance of this new format, we will learn more. 

Conversational Experience: Testing for Conversational Experience kicks off in July.  This leverages Google Ads to generate keywords, headlines, and other assets, automatically created by Google.

The intention is to utilize AI to identify new headlines and descriptions that better match users’ search queries. This is also an approach to help ads stay relevant and fresh. For example, as demonstrated at the 2023 Google Marketing Live event, if a user searches for “skin care for dry sensitive skin”, your ad will be able to show original, AI-generated headlines that draw from your landing page and are even more relevant to the query, such as “Soothe Your Dry, Sensitive Skin.”

Bard: Google’s version of ChatGPT. Bard uses Google’s language models to answer questions in a natural way. For example, Bard can help you plan a trip or even swap out ingredients to a recipe. Unlike the other Google AI Tools, this is chat feature was created to help bring ideas to life and interact with users, not to help advise or use on digital advertising campaigns. 


In recent months we have heard a ton about ChatGPT. But what else does Bing have going on?

The New Bing: Bing continues to build out a new type of search, unifying search with chat, providing a better search experience.  

What does “better search” entail? 

An improved version of the search experience with a new sidebar that shows more extensive answers without scrolling through multiple results. The new Bing offers an interactive chat helping to refine your search until you get the complete answer you are looking for, in addition to providing links for easy access to immediate content. Following this, the Edge browser was updated with new AI capabilities, providing a sidebar that assists with content like providing summaries and key takeaways. 

ChatGPT: Like Google’s Bard, ChatGPT is a language processor powered by AI technology. A powerful conversational tool providing human-like conversations. The bot can answer questions and assist with everyday tasks. Like mentioned with Bard, this is a chat feature to help bring ideas to life, not a tool to advise or use on digital advertising campaigns.

How Brkthru Can Help 

At Brkthru we are ready for the ever-changing AI world. While many anticipate challenges within Search due to all the AI enhancements, we continue to see Paid Search grow significantly and are leading the charge. We prepare, we test, and we evaluate. While AI can help efficiency, assist with creation and more, we will always evaluate and take the appropriate steps for successful campaigns. 

Want to talk more about your current campaign and how Brkthru can help you drive success in an ever-changing market? We’re all ears.

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