Travel Policy

Travel Policy

This travel policy applies to all Company-related travel at Brkthru.

Company Offsites:

Travel to and from any offsites, including All-Company Offsites, Brkthru U and Department Offsites, is booked through our Brkthru Event Coordinator, Kathleen DeMers, including lodging, airfare, rental car and transportation to and from the airport, as applicable. Food & beverages will also be provided in connection with each event. Information regarding travel will be emailed to you directly.

We generally expect you to drive to an offsite if it is within a 300-mile drive from your home office. If your home office is further than a 300-mile drive from the offsite, Brkthru will provide roundtrip airfare for you.

Personal Vehicle – If you are driving to an offsite or to Brkthru U, Brkthru will reimburse your personal vehicle mileage at the current IRS reimbursement rate so long as your travel is at least 50 miles each way. If your travel is less than 50 miles each way, you may expense your mileage only if you live in a state which requires reimbursement (list available here).

Brkthru does not reimburse personal vehicle mileage for your travel to and from the airport, train or bus station (or rental car agency) unless you live in a state which requires reimbursement (a list of such states is available here). If you live in a state which requires reimbursement, the reimbursement will be at the current IRS reimbursement rate.

Rental Car – If you have Director approval to use a rental vehicle, Brkthru will reimburse you for the cost of the rental vehicle, including gasoline, provided that you follow these guidelines:

  • Any requests to use a rental vehicle must be approved in writing by your Director.
  • Where a rental car is approved, you must use Enterprise (where available) and use the Brkthru account with Enterprise (as it automatically includes insurance)
  • If Enterprise is not available, then a different rental car company may be used, and insurance coverage is reimbursable.
  • Only compact or mid-sized rental cars may be approved.
  • Rental cars should not be rented for more than 3 days and cost no more than $350. If either amount exceeds this number, you will need written approval from your Director.
  • Multiple employees going to the same destination are expected to share the same rental car. Air Travel:
    Airfare is booked by the Event Coordinator. If you experience any delayed or canceled flights, you must work directly with the airlines.

Revised 2.29.24

  • Seat Class must be economy, any upgrades must be paid by you personally – no exceptions.
  • You may expense up to one piece of luggage.
  • Airline WIFI is reimbursable for up to $25.00 (for business purposes only).
  • Airport Parking – parking garage or long-term parking is permitted and can be expensed up to $20 per day. Valet charges are at your own expense. Rail Travel:
  • Seat Class must be economy, any upgrades must be paid by you personally no exceptions.
  • You may expense up to one piece of luggage. Taxis and Ride-sharing:
  • For travel between your home office and the airport or rail station: Taxis and Ubers/Lyft are permitted up to $20 per day of your trip. For example, if you have a three-day trip, you may expense up to $60 total for taxi, Uber, or Lyft services for transportation between your home office and airport/rail station (in lieu of parking).
  • For travel between the airport or rail station and the offsite location: Where possible, transportation is arranged by our Events Coordinator. If transportation is not pre- arranged by our Events Coordinator, taxis and Ubers/Lyft are permitted provided that you use the least expensive class of fare available. Offsite Expenses:
    All offsite and Brkthru U expenses must be submitted to using the expense template and receipts. Client Travel: Travel to and from any client meetings should be booked by the employee. All travel requires written Director approval prior to booking. We generally expect you to drive to a client meeting if it is within a 300-mile drive from your home office. If your home office is further than a 300-mile drive from the offsite, Brkthru will provide roundtrip airfare for you. Driving:
    Personal Vehicle – If you are driving to an approved client meeting, Brkthru will reimburse your personal vehicle mileage at the current IRS reimbursement rate so long as your travel is at least 50 miles each way. If your travel is less than 50 miles each way, you may expense your mileage only if you live in a state which requires reimbursement (list available here). Brkthru does not reimburse personal vehicle mileage for your travel to and from the airport, train or bus station (or rental car agency) unless you live in a state which requires reimbursement (a list of such states is available here). If you live in a state which requires reimbursement, the reimbursement will be at the current IRS reimbursement rate. Rental Car – If you have Director approval to use a rental vehicle, Brkthru will reimburse you for the cost of the rental vehicle, including gasoline, provided that you follow these guidelines:

• Any requests to use a rental vehicle must be approved in writing by your Director.

Revised 2.29.24

  • Where a rental car is approved, you must use Enterprise (where available) and use the Brkthru account with Enterprise (as it automatically includes insurance)
  • If Enterprise is not available, then a different rental car company may be used, and insurance coverage is reimbursable.
  • Only compact or mid-sized rental cars may be approved.
  • Rental cars should not be rented for more than 3 days and cost no more than $350. If either amount exceeds this number, you will need written approval from your Director.
  • Multiple employees going to the same destination are expected to share the same rental car. Air Travel:
  • Book directly through the airline and not a third-party source o Refundsandchanges,ifneeded,aremoredifficultandexpensivewhenbooking through third-party travel aggregators (Expedia, Priceline, etc.)
  • Tickets may be a maximum of $500. Anything over $500 requires written Director approval before booking.
  • Seat Class must be economy, any upgrades must be paid by you personally no exceptions.
  • You may expense up to one piece of luggage.
  • Airline WIFI is reimbursable for up to $25.00 per roundtrip flight (for business purposes only)
    o AirportParking–parkinggarageorlong-termparkingispermittedandcanbe expensed up to $20 per day. Valet charges are at your own expense. Taxis and Ride-sharing:
  • For travel between your home office and the airport or rail station: Taxis and Ubers/Lyft are permitted up to $20 per day of your trip. For example, if you have a three-day trip, you may expense up to $60 total for taxi, Uber, or Lyft services for transportation between your home office and airport/rail station (in lieu of parking).
  • For travel between the airport or rail station and your destination: Taxis and Ubers/Lyft are permitted provided that you use the least expensive class of fare available. Accommodations:
  • Daily hotel rates may be up to a maximum of $200, including taxes and fees o Anydailyratesexceeding$200/nightrequirewrittenDirectorapprovalbefore booking.
  • You may expense parking for personal vehicle or rental parked in nearby parking garages, but parking fees in excess of $20 per day require written Director approval. o Valetchargesareatyourownexpense. Meals – Per Diem
    o Breakfastupto$25 o Lunchupto$25 o Dinnerupto$50 Examples of Non-Reimbursable Purchases Revised 2.29.24
  • In-flight purchases (alcohol)
  • Excess baggage
  • Airline ticket change fees – unless pre-approved in writing by Director
  • Airline club memberships
  • Travel toiletries
  • Movies or online entertainment
  • Any unofficial company events/ after party are considered to be a cash bar and costs are not reimbursable
  • Damage to personal vehicles or rental vehicles
  • Parking fines or traffic violations Client Travel Expenses:
    All expenses must be submitted on pre-approved company template to direct manager for approval. You will then forward the written approval with the expense template and receipts to receipts to for expense reporting and reimbursement. Other Business Travel: Any other business travel, such as conferences, should be booked by the employee. All travel requires written Director approval prior to booking. We generally expect you to drive your personal vehicle if the destination is within a 300-mile drive from your home office. If your home office is further than a 300-mile drive from your destination, Brkthru may provide roundtrip airfare for you. Driving: Personal Vehicle – Brkthru does not reimburse personal vehicle mileage for other business travel unless you live in a state which requires reimbursement (a list of such states is available here). If you live in a state which requires reimbursement, the reimbursement will be at the current IRS reimbursement rate. Please note that Hub Hangouts are not mandatory work events, so mileage will not be reimbursed regardless of the state in which you live. Rental Car – If you have written Director approval to use a rental vehicle, Brkthru will reimburse you for the cost of the rental vehicle, including gas, provided that you follow these guidelines:
  • Any requests to use a rental vehicle must be approved by your Director.
  • Where a rental car is approved, you must use Enterprise (where available) and use the Brkthru account with Enterprise (because it automatically includes insurance).
  • If Enterprise is not available, then a different rental car company may be used, and insurance coverage is reimbursable.
  • Rental cars should not be rented for more than 3 days and cost no more than $350. If either amount exceeds this number,you will need written approval from your Director.
  • Only compact or mid-sized rental cars may be approved.
  • Multiple employees going to the same destination are expected to share the same rental car.

Revised 2.29.24

Air Travel:

  • Book directly through the airline and not a third-party source o Refundsandchanges,ifneeded,aremoredifficultandexpensivewhenbooking through third-party travel aggregators (Expedia, Priceline, etc.)
  • Tickets may be a maximum of $500. Anything over $500 requires written Director approval before booking.
  • Seat Class must be economy, any upgrades must be paid by you personally no exceptions.
  • You may expense up to one piece of luggage.
  • Airline WIFI is reimbursable for up to $25.00 per roundtrip flight (for business purposes only)
    o AirportParking–parkinggarageorlong-termparkingispermittedandcanbe expensed up to $20 per day. Valet charges are at your own expense. Rail Travel:
  • Tickets may be a maximum of $500. Anything over $500 requires Director approval.
  • Seat Class must be economy, any upgrades must be paid by you personallyno exceptions.
  • You may expense up to one piece of luggage. Taxis and Ride-sharing:
  • For travel between your home office and the airport or rail station: Taxis and Ubers/Lyft are permitted up to $20 per day of your trip. For example, if you have a three-day trip, you may expense up to $60 total for taxi, Uber, or Lyft services for transportation between your home office and airport/rail station (in lieu of parking).
  • For travel between the airport or rail station and your destination: Taxis and Ubers/Lyft are permitted provided that you use the least expensive class of fare available. Accommodations:
  • Daily hotel rates may be up to a maximum of $200, including taxes and fees o Anydailyratesexceeding$200/nightrequirewrittenDirectorapprovalbefore booking.
  • You may expense parking for personal vehicle or rental parked in nearby parking garages, but parking fees in excess of $20 per day require written Director approval. o Valetchargesareatyourownexpense. Meals – Per Diem
    o Breakfastupto$25 o Lunchupto$25 o Dinnerupto$50 Examples of Non-Reimbursable Purchases
  • In-flight purchases (alcohol)
  • Excess baggage

Revised 2.29.24

  • Airline ticket change fees – unless pre-approved in writing by Director
  • Airline club memberships
  • Travel toiletries
  • Movies or online entertainment
  • Any unofficial company events/ after party are considered to be a cash bar and costs are not reimbursable
  • Damage to personal vehicles or rental vehicles
  • Parking fines or traffic violations Other Business Travel Expenses:
    All expenses must be submitted on pre-approved company template to direct manager for approval. You will then forward the written approval with the expense template and receipts to receipts to for expense reporting and reimbursement.

Revised 2.29.24